Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT)
FCMAT’s Mission
The mission of the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team is to help California’s local educational agencies fulfill their financial and management responsibilities by providing fiscal advice, management assistance, training and other related school business services. The Kern County Superintendent of Schools office exists as the administrative and fiscal agent for FCMAT which currently operates within the context of several areas of the California Education Code, primarily those sections having to do with AB 1200 and AB 2756 oversight (EC 42127.1-.8, EC 41326, EC 41327). FCMAT reports to a board of directors comprised of one county superintendent and one district superintendent from each of the state’s 11 service regions. A representative of the California Department of Education also is on the board. Assembly Bill 1200 (AB1200) created FCMAT in 1991.
Have a question about whether what your district, school or foundation/PTA is doing or asking is okay? Try researching the opinions of FCMAT (Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team) to learn more! Click here to access.